Tuesday 22 May 2012


Hari ni dgn rasmi nyer saya akan 'merasmikan' blog saya nih...Penah terpikir nak buat tapi tak tau nak start kat ner..so few days back, a good friend of mind asked me soklan cepumas yang berkaitan dgn investment. Sebelum pepe, kene bagi disclaimer..Saya bukanlah expert mana..Cume someone yang ter'terjun' ke bidang pelaburan sebab tuntutan kerja.Alhamdulillah saya suke keje saya..So sedikit sebanyak tau lah selok-belok pasal investment. Yang tergerak hati nak buat blog ni initially mmg bertujuan as knowledge sharing to all my freinds yang nak tau pasal investment lebih2 lagi dari aspect Islamic way nye Investment. Ada yg cakap nak tau view dari org yang takde kepentingan politik o juz nak paham benda2 yang tak directy diajar mase blaja kat Uni dulu...Ada gak yang tanye directly pasal stock2 etc...
Maka di blog ini Insya-Allah saya akan share FAQ yang slalu ditanye kengkawan and please do not quote me coz whateva I write here are limited to my knowledge and experience. Selebihnyer, kite sama2 pikirkan la ye..
And of course tak de la serious sangat nak tlis pasal benda serious2 jek..Akan diselit2 kan pepe update yg sepatutnyer (takde idea pn sangat nak tlis pe)..Hopefully this is a start for something good to the ummah..Lastly, i shall share this quote:

"Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes."
Peter Senge